Canine Babesiosis Real time PCR test, CB qPCR Test

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The Canine Babesiosis Real-time PCR test, CB RT-PCR Test is to detect canine babesiosis by testing the babesia parasite antigen in blood, which is rapid, accurate and easy-to-operate. Sensitivity 100%, Specificity 100%.

Canine babesiosis is a tick-borne, protozoal, haemoparasitic disease that can cause varying degrees of haemolytic anaemia, splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia and fever. There are two hosts for the transmission of Babesia spp., viz. invertebrate (tick) and vertebrate host.

Key facts of the Canine Babesiosis Real-time PCR test

  • Ready to use kits for vet clinic
  • No extraction required
  • Result in 30min.

Canine Babesiosis Real-time PCR test Components

Item # Item Qty
1 PCR reaction solution 120ul
2 Negative Control 50ul
3 Positive Control 50ul
4 Exogenous Gene Control 50ul
5 Sample buffer 1ml
6 Enzyme mix 10ul
7 Kit user manual 1set

What is babesiosis?

Babesia infection or babesiosis refers to a tick-borne infection due to a protozoal parasite. Babesia invades mammalian red blood cells causing anemia. Babesia species are found worldwide, although in North America, most canine cases of babesiosis occur in the southern United States. Babesiosis is considered a serious threat to racing greyhounds and pit bull terriers.

How does a dog contract babesiosis?

Babesiosis is primarily spread through the bite of an infected tick (multiple tick species can carry the disease). There is also evidence that some direct animal-to-animal transmission may occur, such as when an infected dog with oral lesions or abrasions bites another dog. This is particularly true for Babesia gibsoni, which primarily affects pit bull terriers. Recent studies show that Babesia may be transmitted transplacentally (to unborn puppies in the uterus of their mothers). Dogs may also be inadvertently infected through tainted blood transfusion. Dogs housed in kennel settings with poor tick control are at a higher risk for developing babesiosis.

What are the clinical signs of babesiosis?

Dogs infected with babesiosis may present with a wide variety of clinical signs ranging in severity from a sudden collapse with systemic shock, to a hemolytic crisis (the body attacks and destroys the red blood cells called hemolysis), to a subtle and slowly progressing infection with no apparent clinical signs.

Dogs typically present with the acute, severe form of babesiosis, which is characterized by findings such as abnormally dark urine, fever, weakness, pale mucous membranes, depression, swollen lymph nodes, and an enlarged spleen. Blood and urine tests may reveal anemia, thrombocytopenia (low platelets), hypoalbuminemia (low albumin, a blood protein), and bilirubinuria (a pigment from breaking down red blood cells is found in the urine).

How is babesiosis diagnosed?

In the past, babesiosis was diagnosed by seeing the parasite on a blood smear.

Other diagnostic tests are becoming more readily available, including FA (fluorescent antibody) staining of the organism and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) tests. A PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test is also available and is commonly used to diagnose babesiosis. The PCR test has the advantage in that it can detect all four species of Babesia.

Serologic or antibody titer testing in the diagnosis of babesiosis has limitations. A positive test result is dependent on an antibody response by the infected dog, which may take up to ten days to develop. Once a dog has developed antibodies to babesiosis, they may persist for years and this must be considered when performing follow-up tests.

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